Terms & Conditions

Company Information and Data Processing Holder
Business name: B&B Una Rotonda sul Mare di Barbone Donatella
Registered office: Via Pulsano, 2/A – 71043 – Manfredonia (FG)
P.IVA/C.F: 04096250719 | BRBDTL85L48H926L
Num. REA: FG-300005
General e-mail: info@unarotondasulmare.it

Rights to the Multimedia Materials
All the multimedia materials (text, photos, sounds, videos) on the website belong to their respective owners, so it is absolutely forbidden to use them in any manner – except for personal consultation- without prior written consent. Being, in some situations, impossible or not desirable (for aesthetic reasons) to report the author in the vicinity of his work, see his reporting to this note reserving to provide further details by email (info@unarotondasulmare.it) to those who require them . The photographs of the gallery “Gargano” are by Leo Guerra Photographer.

This information is intended to describe how the site is managed with regard to the processing of personal data of users who visit it. This notice is given pursuant to art. 13 of D. Lgv. 196/2003 “Code on personal data protection” to those who link to www.unarotondasulmare.it site and pages or third level domains connected to it. The information is provided only for this site and not for other websites outside of the B & B web site “Una rotonda sul mare di Barbone Donatella” accessible via links. By the consultation of the site, Aruba SPA, the company hosting this website, using its statistical system, derives anonymous and aggregate data. The data collected will be treated with appropriate procedures to protect the confidentiality of the person concerned: the treatment consists of the collection, recording, organization, storage, processing, utilization, erasure, destruction of personal data, including the combination of two or more of those activities. These data will be used for purposes of organization and internal management, statistical, marketing and for any service communications. The data processing is done through the use of electronic files managed by the proposer hosting Aruba SPA. The object of the treatment data may be disclosed to employees or third partner in the Italian territory. The type of data relates to the navigation data: the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during normal operation, some data that is transmitted implicitly in the use of internet communication protocols. It is related to internet traffic which by their nature are not associated to identified except by third-databases. The owner and manager of data processing is B & B Una Rotonda sul Mare di Barbone Donatella. Any user may exercise the rights recognized by the current legislation on privacy, turning to the addresses specified on.

Cookie Policy
Legal References:
In accordance with the decision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, the “Guarantor”) on 8th May 2014, entitled “Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” ( hereinafter the “Measure Cookies”), B & B “Una Rotonda sul Mare di Barbone Donatella” is to inform you of the following:

What are cookies:
A cookie is a small text files that websites store on your computer or mobile device when you visit them. Thanks to cookies the site remember your actions and preferences (eg. Login, language, font size and other display settings) so that you do not enter them again when you get back on the site and browse from page to page. There are two categories of cookies, as identified by the Measure Cookies: “technical cookies” and the “profiling cookie”. The “technical cookies”, necessary for the proper functioning of the website, are divided into “session cookies or browsing” which for example allow the user to login to a protected area, “analytics cookie” which for example allow to know anonymously the number of visits to your website and improve the navigation experience and “functional cookies” that for example allow the operation of certain services of the website as the shopping cart. Also cookies can be divided, as required by Measure Cookies, in “First Party Cookies” and “Third-party cookies.” The former are produced by the web site that you are visiting, the latter from third-party websites whose services are conveyed by the web site you are visiting.

Which cookies we use:
The website at “unarotondasulmare.it” domain installs cookies on your device to allow its proper functioning. Specifically, the cookies installed are:


>Functional Cookies

Information cookies to our Cookie: Stores your acceptance of the use of cookies, its validity is 30 days. first-party cookies. Cookies for multilingual support: stores the preference of the web site consultation language (Italian or English), its validity is one year. first-party cookies.

Disabling cookies will cause technical malfunctions in the consultation of the web site.

Google Maps cookie: stores the dynamic map settings, its validity is 6 months.

How to manage cookies:
To view, block and delete cookies, you can use your favorite browser:

Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie
Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html
Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT

or access to the website: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/le-tue-scelte